“Our attitude towards life will determine life’s attitude towards us.” – Earl Nightingale
As we dive into this topic of attitude, it would serve us well to become conscious of the following definitions:
- Attitude: A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically reflected in a person’s behavior.
- Law of Rhythm: This law embodies the truth that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action.
Cycles are a natural part of the universe.
Physically, you can think about the seasons on Earth; the rising and setting of the sun and the moon; the ebb and flow of tides.
You are not going to feel good all the time; no one does. If you did, you wouldn’t even know it because the low feelings are what permit you to recognize and enjoy the high feelings.
From time to time, it may seem like everything is going wrong. When you are on a low swing, things will appear that way. Realize you are not always on a high, and you are not always on a low.

“Understanding how attitude can help you navigate the highs and lows is worth its weight in gold.” – Bob Proctor
My father taught me that to be successful, I needed to understand the role that attitude played in my life.
Keeping your attitude on the right track is more than just one-and-done. Considering and adjusting your attitude all day, every day must become a part of how you live in order to build your success story.
When Dad found his mentor Earl Nightingale’s Lead The Field program, the first lesson on ATTITUDE got his attention. He was just coming to understand that he had a conscious choice over his thoughts – and as he was learning… his attitude, too.
Earl considered attitude “the magic word” because of the pivotal role attitude plays in shaping one’s life.
I watched Dad teach and record lessons on attitude through the years, constantly adjusting his language to make the lesson clear so anyone could apply it. I believe that is why my father had such a large following. He looked for and found ways to explain complex concepts so anyone could understand them.
So, I will explain this lesson in the way it was taught to me by my father. He began teaching me this lesson when I was in primary school.
Dad learned from Earl that our attitude is an equation:

Thoughts (conscious mind) + Feelings (subconscious) + Actions (body) = Attitude.
Let’s break that down in further detail:
1. Thoughts — Your thoughts and beliefs originate in your conscious mind. You are always building positive or negative ideas from the energy flowing into your mind, and you can make a conscious decision to look for the good and maintain a positive attitude, which helps you see opportunities in difficulties and keeps you on a positive attitude track.
2. Feelings – The language of your subconscious mind. Your attitude is affected by how your thoughts make you feel. When you attach emotions to your thoughts and create an image, you feed that image to your subconscious mind, which will not reject it. To maintain a higher, more positive vibration, avoid getting emotionally involved with negative ideas. An excellent way to do this is to come back to your gratitude. Expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of life will shift focus away from negativity and help you maintain a positive attitude.
3. Actions – Your actions dictate your results. When choosing to respond positively and always looking for the good instead of reacting and focusing on the negative, you maintain an optimistic attitude that puts you in a higher vibration, ready to receive the healthy and productive life you seek.
Now, keep in mind this rather interesting fact: you could be thinking a negative thought but sending out positive feelings; this would cause the body to act in a positive way, because the feeling is more powerful than the thought. When you are are NOT emotionally involved with a negative thought, it has very little power.
“Feeling is the secret.” – Neville Goddard
When you accept a negative idea, you engage in negative actions and live in a negative vibration. Negative behaviors occur when a person lacks the skill to manage feelings. When you choose the actions you will take, you are building confidence, which comes from self-trust.
I want this to be clear because we all have negative thoughts occasionally, and it is a dumb game to beat yourself up for having those thoughts.
Instead, focus on not internalizing those negative thoughts. Set them aside and lessen the focus you give them. Imagine your thoughts as clouds that come and go and change form. If you don’t, you will be headed down a path of lower consciousness.
As I say this, I think of angry mobs. We have all seen too many of those. What has happened there? What has happened is people are not acting truly consciously. They had a negative thought, perhaps fed to them through social media or television; they got emotionally involved with that idea and put themselves in a lower vibration. They then took action on that negative idea and attracted others who were in alignment with those negative and angry thoughts – and the social collective was formed.
Let’s use another example of self-talk. You have a negative thought: “Oh, I really don’t want to attend this networking event – I’m not good at meeting people.”
Now, immediately, you can choose not to get emotionally involved with that thought. Instead, you go to the image you have created in your mind of yourself as confident, friendly, and approachable – you get emotionally involved with that positive idea instead of the negative one, and walk through those doors into that networking event. You intentionally expand your positive energy and begin shaking hands, smiling, and showing genuine interest in others. You are acting on a higher vibration.

In My Father Knew the Secret I wrote a chapter titled Rose Colored Glasses. It really is a chapter on attitude.
It is about how I tend to view life and the world through rose-colored glasses. Because I view life this way, I am often accused of not being a realist. To my detractors, I say I live a much happier, healthier, and more productive life because of this conscious choice.
There are always at least two ways to look at something. If you try to see the value in everything and lean toward the good, my experience has been that you will attract good into your life because of that choice.
On the other hand, I have been with people who only see the negative in every situation or constantly look for what’s wrong and are always ready to tell you about it. Those folks are never pleased and seem to attract more of precisely what they are focused on – the negative. But, of course, when you are in that vibration, negative is all you will see.
Repetition backed by intention is the key to changing any attitude.
Dad often taught an exercise about the power of writing something out 100 times a day. It could be a gratitude statement or a desired outcome that you wish to manifest; it was whatever the mind needed to be trained to see.
He would explain that the repetition of the writing is like the repetition needed to train and build your muscles. You don’t go to the gym once and expect a well-toned body; it takes discipline and repetition. And, like your body, you can train your mind. And when you train your mind to look for and find the good and use your willpower to live this way, you will feel lightness in your life, and you will find that you are better able to handle the things that previously may have gotten under your skin.
When you look for the good in every situation, you can better regulate your emotions and choose a different response. It is not about repressing; it is about transforming yourself with a new approach and attitude.
I know I attract more good into my life because I choose to live this way, and you can too. People are attracted to positive energy and want to deal with and be around someone with positive energy because of how they feel when they are with you. It makes you physically and mentally more attractive; opportunities will flow your way because of your attitude and outlook.

Being the example is a powerful force.
Since I was young, I have watched my father respond to situations and rarely react. No matter what it is, good or bad, he would lean into the good. That is where he chose to live, and because of his example, I do too.
Keep in mind that attitude is not fixed. By consciously choosing the ideas you want to act on, looking for the good even in adverse situations, and studying, you are actively improving your attitude and life.
Your attitude is something to keep tuning every moment of every day.
Affirmation: I wake each day with a positive attitude – always looking for and leaning into the good.
Quick self-assessment: How was your attitude been in the past? How is your attitude today? How would you like to improve your attitude moving forward?
Thanks Brian! It’s such a pleasure and a treat to receive these monthly blogs! Keep up the greatness!
Thanks Duke, I am really glad that you are finding value in them.
This is exactly what I needed to read and learn today, thanks Brian.
Bob was truly a guru. I am glad to have that gift live on. Thank you.
He sure was! Thanks Michelle
Thank you very much. So helpful to really understand the depth of this blog!
Thanks Andrea, this has always been one of my favorite subjects.
Thank you, Brian!
Such a refresher. I had the honor of getting involved with your Dad’s teachings back in 2019 and I knew instantly he was a mentor I wanted to follow.
I love the way you connect your stories to his teachings.
Keep up the great work.
Thanks Steve, I sure appreciate you taking the time to write in here.
I find that these lessons are found throughout the Bible. Biblical principles/laws undergird the natural laws. Brian, thanks for underscoring these principles. Your book is next on my agenda.
Rodney Lewis Boyd
Thanks Rodney, I truly hope you enjoy the book. Thank you for your thoughts.
Embracing positivity and choosing to focus on the good, just as your father exemplified, is indeed a powerful force that shapes our attitudes and ultimately, our lives.”
Hi John, you said it perfectly! Thank you
Thanks Brian!! I sincerely look forward to reading your blogs.
Irene, that put a smile on my face. I am glad you are enjoying the messages.
I love reading these Brian! I hear Bob’s words and FOCUS echoing in what you say here.
Thanks Doland, I sure feel him constantly and love everything that he taught me over my lifetime.
Hi Brian:
Hope you are doing well.
Attitude is king. Thank you for this blog, it reminded me of a few things.
Have a blessed day.
Thanks Irma! I am doing great and loving life. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a message.
I love your blog Brian! The information you share ALWAYS gives me guidance!
Thanks Simone, I really appreciate it. ;o)
I always look forward to receiving your blog and for sharing your wisdom and the many lessons that you learnt from your Father. Keep up the great work and for making a difference in this world. Your Dad will be exceptionally proud of you.
Thank you so much Colin. I really appreciate this. ;o)
You are welcome. We need you to keep shining your light and for carrying on with your Dad’s legacy. I actually remember you and Cory from the Los Angeles three day events. So, you are no stranger in my world, same with Cory too. I feel blessed that I can be part of your journey.
I hope you and Cory had a great Easter.
Take care in the meantime.
Thanks for your blog Brian, I appreciate your reminder on the importance of attitude and our thoughts.
Brilliantly written and thoughtfully expressed true ideas most people miss the simplicity of! Including me at times… Thank you for continuing you dad’s work. I know he is very proud of you. ❤️
Hi Jessica, thank you. I certainly learned that it is usually the simple things that are most important. ;o)
That’s Incredible, Keep Going!
HIGH VALUE: “Repetition backed by intention is the key to changing any attitude.
Dad often taught an exercise about the power of writing something out 100 times a day. It could be a gratitude statement or a desired outcome that you wish to manifest; it was whatever the mind needed to be trained to see.
He would explain that the repetition of the writing is like the repetition needed to train and build your muscles. You don’t go to the gym once and expect a well-toned body; it takes discipline and repetition. And, like your body, you can train your mind. And when you train your mind to look for and find the good and use your willpower to live this way, you will feel lightness in your life, and you will find that you are better able to handle the things that previously may have gotten under your skin.
When you look for the good in every situation, you can better regulate your emotions and choose a different response. It is not about repressing; it is about transforming yourself with a new approach and attitude.
I know I attract more good into my life because I choose to live this way, and you can too. People are attracted to positive energy and want to deal with and be around someone with positive energy because of how they feel when they are with you. It makes you physically and mentally more attractive; opportunities will flow your way because of your attitude and outlook. – Brian Proctor,1961-Present”
BONUS: “Confidence, Clarity and a sense of purpose are all things that need to be established, and re-established, daily – Author Unknown”
An attitude of gratitude begins each day. Six minutes to success and lead the field I learned daily. Combined changed my negatives to positives, learned the value of forgiveness and continue to learn about myself. Time given and received from others is appreciated. Everlasting thankyou to your Father, who became a Mentor.
Thanks Ivy, it is always nice to see your name come across my screen.
Its nice to see that you are follower of your father, and this artikel remembered me lessons of Bob, which i love to see everytime. GOD bless you🩵
Thanks Lucy, I feel my father every day.
That was the first lesson I learned from Bob with the Stickperson, and that’s when I realized that the results I achieved didn’t depend on circumstances or other people, but solely on my attitude and my thoughts. And now that I’ve read the article and the examples you’ve shared, I understand the principle much better.
Thank you Agnes! I am so grateful that I know you. I appreciate your thoughts.
Thankyou Brian for your generosity in sharing such material. Your father was a great man in the work he done for humanity. I love your monthly blogs and especially this one. Such a help.
Many thanks
Thank you Catherine. Really happy to know that the blogs are well received.
Great reminder. And partially I truly believe what you say but also have ambivalent feelings. I’m naturally optimistic and can see good in challenging situations. However, for the last several months, I was challenged in health physically and emotionally making me realize what I really wanted. Sometimes we need to see what we don’t want in life to work and attract what we want as part of self-awareness. My question is when to decide to get out and move forward instead of being stubborn to convince myself that there is still something for me to learn and grow in this unwanted and difficult situation that makes not letting me make a move (or is this as a result of low self-esteem). Your blog makes me think/wonder and question my current situation which I need. Keep it coming 🙂 Thank you so much for all the work you do.
Thank you so much for today’s message on attitude. I have been in a low point, allowing outside factors to impact me. I will say these were not small issues. One was a community tragedy that hit me on many fronts at both work and home. It can be hard to balance being open to compassion and caring with not being emotionally drained. You helped me to remember the part of your dad’s books where he instructs us to look to the future, not the past. Giving energy to bad memories or events doesn’t help anyone, it just takes away our ability to do good for ourselves and others.