“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
The Law of Attraction and Vibration
The Law of Attraction is a secondary law to the primary law, which is the Law of Vibration.
The Law of Vibration decrees that everything is in motion, including us. We are energy, and it is the energy flowing to and through us that dictates our vibration and what we will attract into our lives.
Specifically, the thoughts we choose to align with and focus on, either by choice or through our paradigms (conditioning), set up our vibration. We can think of it as feeling – feeling is your conscious awareness of the vibration you are in. What you are feeling is evidence of your current internal state.
And that current state leads to actions you take, which lead to your results.
By understanding that it is your vibration that precursors what you attract into your life, you can consciously choose to focus on thoughts that are in harmony with the direction you want to take your life. This alignment changes your vibrational energy and sets you up to attract.
But to do this, you must also recognize and replace any paradigms that are getting in the way.

My Dad would often share with me that he felt most people needed help understanding the Law of Attraction and that there were people out there teaching it incorrectly.
Dad clearly stated that you cannot simply ‘wish’ for a thing and have it appear. He explained that the Law of Attraction is about more than positive thoughts bringing positive results and negative thoughts bringing the opposite.
In order to understand and utilize the Law of Attraction, you have to grasp the bigger picture.
This means choosing thoughts and actions that bring your mind and body working on the same frequency. And when you do this, you will notice that, at first, everything starts to get better – next, you take control of your life.
When Dad spoke about the laws of the universe, he would say that they are exact and interconnected.
I’ve mentioned that my father called the Law of Attraction your superpower, and it is — when you understand what that means.
Understanding means you grasp the connectedness between how you think, the actions you take, and the results you get with how you live your life, and what you attract into your life.

Answer this question… what are you focused on today? What thoughts are dominating your consciousness?
To understand the connectedness between your thoughts, actions and results, it is important to identify what’s holding you back. For example, you could be looking at a present result in your life and then let that result dictate the thoughts you allow to dominate your mind. Looking at your present results can cause you to think and focus on thoughts that produce feelings that elicit actions, and produce the same results you’ve been getting… Keeping you in a loop where you’re not moving forward.
First, decide that you will not choose your thoughts based on unwanted present results; instead, get clear on your desired result and work backward. See the result you desire. Choose to focus on thoughts that support that result and take deliberate action in the direction of the desired result. Open yourself up to attract what you need by paying attention.
Remember: Thoughts → Feelings → Actions → Results
Next, pay close attention to how you’re feeling throughout your day. These feelings are evidence of the vibration you are in. If you’re feeling bad, recognize you have become attached to negative thoughts. Then, do something to change the vibration you are in. You could move your body… Go outside… Call a friend… Pet an animal… anything that moves you into a positive state of joy and appreciation.
A fast way to change your vibration is to stop and return to your gratitude practice.
You create a path for attraction when you’re thinking and feeling in alignment with the path you have chosen for yourself, and you are taking intelligent action that adjusts your vibrational output, shifting your mood, attitude, words, thoughts, and perspective. Moving through your day with this awareness and understanding is your superpower.
To put it another way, Dad believed that everything he was attracting into his life was a signal, a gauge — a direct reflection of his internal state. He was always adjusting and always looking for and leaning into the good. He would shift his mindset, which would change his perception. Living this way keeps you aimed in the direction of growth and improvement.
“Understand that the good that you desire is already here. What you must do is get in harmony with it. And you do that with your thinking.” – Bob Proctor

Consciously Choose Your Point of Attraction Until It Becomes Your New Default Paradigm/Pattern/Habit
Think about what life is like for the person focused on what is missing or unjust. The person who lives life like a victim will always find evidence of wrongdoing because that is what they are looking for. That is what they are in harmony with. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to spend time with these people. While it might be impossible to avoid negativity, you can choose not to join in and monitor your internal self-talk to keep you uplifted.
Think of each day as an opportunity to apply your manifestation recipe. This is about living life in a way that puts you in harmony with the good you desire.
First, see, feel, and appreciate the abundance and beauty you are surrounded with. Gratitude is about noticing, appreciating, and enjoying everything in your life. This will raise your vibration to a higher frequency and understanding. It widens your view.
Next, live your life from a place of giving and goodwill; giving kindness because it feels good – not to “get” – and not out of “obligation”. This, again, will elevate your vibration.

Remember that “wants” are in your conscious mind. You don’t attract what you want… You attract what you ARE! And you ARE the thoughts that become fixed in your subconscious mind.
Build your belief in yourself and then impress it upon your subconscious mind with images, and take daily intelligent actions that this higher level (positive) thinking presents to you.
When you do this, you will easily attract people, resources, experiences and other things into your life that are in harmony with what you want, and you will notice that you are living with a deep sense of grateful aliveness.
Have faith that the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration are always working, and faith that they will attract your desires to you when you do the “work”. I hope this blog has helped give you more faith based on understanding, which Dad always pointed out – is way more powerful than blind faith!
Do a quick check-in with yourself… are you currently feeling in harmony with your desires – both conscious and sub-consciously? What’s one daily habit you will do to make sure you ARE what you want to attract more of? Please share below, and inspire someone!
Amazing read. I totally agree. Perfect time to check in, will make time today. Thank you.
Thanks Carlotta, I’m glad this message touched you.
What a great blog post!! So much wisdom you share about the most important part of it all, the how! Merely wishing for a thing does nothing. The action you take while being in the right vibrational matters.
Thanks for this blog Brian. Your Dad is so proud of you!
Hello Rick, thank you for your continued support and encouragement!
One habit that I will do daily is write at 3 things I am grateful for. I will also exercise 150 minutes per week
I love this Frances! I know that you will notice a big difference in staying committed to that.
Thanks so much – I have been off track with my daily writing of gratitude and desires (in the present state)..
One simple thing I am going to do is get back into writing as i believe it helps with my thinking/dreaming!!
Thanks so much-a great Blog!!
Thanks Linda, Always love seeing your name come across my screen. I hope you and Scott are doing great.
Thank You Brian this is so valuable and important, I love you and your father !
Hi Cliona, thanks so much ;o)
Thank you Brian and Cory for this article.
This article is great, totally true that gratitude changes your vibration, thank you Brian, every article leaves me with a new teaching and implementation.
Thanks Michael, I appreciate you being a part of this community.
Very well written Brian! Thank you!
It is all about constructive interference – what we hold within is what we will experience, because everything is everywhere all the time – the universe i holographic.
Henning, it is so nice to see your name and comment here. It was so great to get to meet you last summer in Copenhagen.
Thank you Brian, your article inspiring me so much. Merely wishing is not the clue, I decide to take a step forward by aligning my thoughts, feelings, actions, atritude day by day!
Great blog Brian and we really need to check in on our self’s many times in a day stay focused all
Thanks Frida, I am so glad that this article has inspired you. Keep going ;o)
Awesome as always Brian. Thanks for carrying these important messages forward.
Thanks Linda, I also want you to know that all of your messages inspire me as well. I deeply appreciate your support.
So much great information and practical tips on what we can do now.
What am I going to do? Set an alarm on my phone every 3 hours to check in on what I am thinking and repeat my goal
Hi Maureen. I love this idea!! What a great way to keep our thinking in check.
In fact the blog provide deep understanding to apply the principles of primary law and second law and monitoring the actions that are results of thought, filling and actions, that will demand all steps to achieve any plan.
Thank you Leonardo. I firmly believe that this is the key to all the good we desire.
That’s Amazing, Keep Going! ✔
“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. – Robin Williams,1951-2014”
I have been very fortunate to come to the realization that the most difficult times in my life, are in fact the ones I have the most gratitude towards. This awakening has set up an amazing vibration. All the joy expressed is centered in truth. Once truly realized, you begin to see that there is no limit.
Brian, thank you for posting these blogs.
Hi David, I appreciate this comment. I will agree that some of my most difficult times have brought me to better things with the right thinking.
Awesome blog and thank you for sharing. I keep a daily gratitude journal and can’t wait to write in it each night before bed. I mentally go through my day and write all the things in my day that I’m grateful for. And I working at keeping all of my thoughts during the day positive and looking for the good in everything. When a negative thought comes in, I quickly check it and turn in positive. Thanks for the reminders and simple things we can do to keep our thoughts positive, which keeps our feelings positive, which leads to positive actions and outcomes!
Thanks Angie!! I love this comment and what you are doing. I know that when we stay focused on the positive that is what we will attract into our lives. I appreciate you.
Again, you are a living testimony and tribute to your dad. Thanks for sharing his messages.
Thank you for this beautiful blog, Brian! Your work is very valuable and keeps me on my toes. I am going to rewrite my goal card. It was all worn out and hadn’t renewed it yet.
Thanks Marc, I have certainly found that writing it out consistently as well as the goal card makes a big difference in my focus.
Thanks Brian!
Thank you so much for this wonderful post Brian🙏
This was exactly what I needed today. I have occupied my head with thoughts that was bringing my frequency down the past couple of days, trying to solve some challenges. And as we know, you can’t solve a problem from the energy that created the problem…😔
So thank you for reminding me.
And thank you so much for walking into your father’s footsteps while creating your own path Brian🙏
I deeply miss your father and his special way of simplifying a deep subject♥️ Thank you
Thanks Charlotte, I sure miss him as well. I agree that he had the best way of simplifying anything at all. That is a talent.
This was just what I needed this morning Brian thank you.
Every day I journal in the morning and evening and I am working with the thought “Every day I take action towards my goals and dreams”.
This helps keep me excited and moving with purpose.
I also meditate on ” I leave others with the impression of increase”.
Thanks Brian!
Sarah, it sounds like you are doing everything right. I hope you are doing great! Cory speaks of you often. ;o)
I have been feeling lost in life for the last few months. I lost the sense of aligning with my goals and admittedly depressed. Even though during this time, I was uplifted by your book for a short period, I was not able to get out of the loop for a while. Questioning myself what have I done wrong – focusing on my past dictated me most of my day. But this blog is guiding me on the action I need to take to get out of the dark. Thank you so much for all the work you do.
Thank you for this Fumie. I think there are a lot of people that can relate to what you are experiencing. Consciously focus on what you do want and don’t beat yourself up when you think the negative…just always switch your thinking when you do that. If you stay focused on the present moment and do what you can do right here and now, that will eliminate much of the darkness. You got this!