For as long as I can remember, Dad was talking to me about goals. I was taught that goals are for growing – growing beyond our current understanding and circumstances.

Goal setting has been a way of life for me, but I realize it has not been a way of life for everyone, and to be perfectly honest, there are times when I have gotten lazy with my goals. 

After Dad passed, I felt like I was free-floating and needed to find my footing. Picking up my book project and finally finishing My Father Knew The Secret became the goal I focused on. So the day I hit [Publish] on Amazon was a VERY good day! Goal achieved! Right?!

Well, as anyone who writes a book knows, writing is just part of the goal. After the release of My Father Knew The Secret on July 5, my new goal became getting this book into the hands of as many people as possible – worldwide! 

Cory and I set the number of 100 thousand book sales as our measurable goal. This number inspires me because I know that will be the viral tipping point.

I don’t know how I am going to get there, but I do know that this goal has caused me to do things I would not normally have done. I have already grown because I have stepped out and done things that at first were uncomfortable.

Make sure you pick something that inspires you, not something that someone else puts on you. When I have shared my goal with others, I have had some people say that many book sales are a rare thing to do, and I have had others say my number should be much higher. At the end of the day, that number resonates with me, and that is all that matters. 

Because I know how important goals are AND how it can sometimes be challenging to stay on track, I want to share my experience and process with this 100K book sales goal with you.

Step one:

I made a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish and chose (circled) one priority.

The book sales number has become my singular focus above and before all others. It is my C-type goal. It makes me safely uncomfortable and will involve unknown walls that I will have to go through. 

I like to work in 90-day increments, and I especially like to work in quarters. For this goal, I am making Dec. 31 my target date.

I also attached my ‘why’ to this goal. My ‘why’ around this goal is to share who my father, Bob Proctor, was with the world. To share what he spent his life building and to honor the pioneer that he was in this industry and the road he has paved for so many others.

Step two:

I write out my goal every day. I cannot emphasize enough how critical it is to do the handwriting. Writing (not typing) will be embedded into your subconscious mind. You will begin to feel emotion around your written goal. Use complete sentences – not bullet points like a list. 

In addition, make sure you have a goal card with a statement of your goal and that you are carrying this with you. You want to touch this throughout the day to ignite cells of recognition and keep focused. Don’t complicate this. You can make your goal card by cutting a piece of paper and laminating it. 

I have added a step. I made an image with my goal and made it my screen saver. 

Now, it would be silly to tell you that I made my goal my temporary password for all my password-protected sites, but… I suggest that is another way to keep your goal at the forefront of your mind. šŸ˜‰

Step three:

Every night before bed, I write out five goal-achieving activities I will tackle the next day. I define the actions, and each action brings me closer to my goal. The next day, I complete #1 before I move on to #2 and so on. At the end of the day, what I still need to finish gets moved to the top of my list for the next day. 

Step four:

I put my #1 action step from my goal-achieving activities on a post-it note, and each day, I put that in a different spot. 

I also like using a dry-erase marker to write my goal in new places daily; I use our bathroom mirror, my car windshield, and different windows in our house. Because we will adapt to what is regular in our environment, it is important to switch things up. Here is something else I do ā€“ I stand in front of my vision board and touch it daily. 

Step five: 

I tap into the feeling of having achieved my goal before my day starts and before I close my eyes at night. I imagine what it will feel like to know that over 100K people are learning from My Father Knew the Secret and increasing their understanding of what is possible. This feeling fills me with so much gratitude that I can feel it in my heart.

Word of caution:

I am careful who I share my C-type goals with, and I always make sure I have taken action before I share with anyone. 

Now… you could say, ‘Uh… Brian, you just shared your goal in a blog post.’ True! But here is why – YOU are part of my action step. I know that by sharing with you, you are also thinking about ways to help me get there. And for that, I want to say THANK YOU! I truly feel we are on this journey together.

Now – think about what it is in your life that you want to stretch for. What you are willing to change for? What you are willing to work for?

Now get growing!

P.S. ā€“ If you made it this far, please leave a comment below to be entered into a drawing to receive a signed copy of My Father Knew the Secret!