You are here because you are curious. You are curious about what is possible for you. You understand that we are all capable of being, doing, and having more in our lives, and you are the one who gets to define what “more” is for you.
So, as we are preparing to greet a New Year, this is the perfect time to think about how you want to shape this coming year.
In My Father Knew the Secret, I ask the question:
What if the only thing you knew was that you could be, do, or have anything you truly desired? What would you want to be, do, or have?
This is an important question and can be challenging to answer.
You must THINK.

In the story “Making an Impression,” I talk about when I was a young boy, how Dad had a bedtime ritual that he would end with, “Brian, you are capable of being, doing, or having anything that you desire. When you wake up in the morning, you will feel wonderful and have a big smile on your face.”
This practice that my father created is such a part of my subconscious that decades later, when I lay down to sleep, I can feel his hand on my chest, guiding me to be, do, and have whatever my heart desires. The memory instantly puts me in a place of gratitude.
Now, growing up knowing that I could be, do, or have anything I truly desired did not make figuring out what that was necessarily easy.
I have had desires that I pushed aside because I could not imagine how to achieve them. I suspect that you have also done this – we all have.
When I was in my 20s and starting to work as a real estate agent, I loved to attend my father’s goal-achieving seminars. Of course, I knew the importance of having a goal, but that seminar always lit a fire within me. It was the exercise Dad had us do to figure out what we wanted that consistently skyrocketed my results following that event.
Dad instructed us to take a piece of paper and write down what we wanted to be, do, and have. The key here was never to think about how you would achieve it. Instead, he said to write as if you had a magic wand and could make anything appear. It didn’t matter how crazy your desires felt. Just write them out.

He said to do this, we must tap into our imagination. Tapping into your imagination means building and imagining your future self and bringing that future self into the present using your thoughts.
How do you do this? Start daydreaming. Take the lid off and allow yourself to imagine the best possible version of the life you desire.
I suggest you do this with a calm mind. Find a space and time that is just for you. A calm mind creates a mental state of peace, free from agitation, and helps you focus.
Calmness can also impact your creativity and allow you to see what is happening around you from a peaceful vantage point; it gives you control over your thoughts and actions and creates space for the good you desire.
Next, write out what you want to be, do or have. Write it out in long form.
Use lots of detail – see the colors, smell the smells – feel the emotions. Remember that feeling is the language of the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind is the part of the mind to which you want to feed this vision.
You want to create a relationship with this future version of you. You want to care about that person, so that you will easily take daily actions on behalf of your future self.
A simple example is health and fitness. When you are emotionally connected to this vision – this idea of what you are working to become and visualize every day, you will make food and movement choices for your future self. For the person you are working to be. And to be, you must do. And when you do – you will have.
Creating a vision board is another tool to bring your future into the present.

This tool will make your future self feel more real and celebrated.
I love this quote from Napoleon Hill:
“There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief.”
The vision board is a potent tool and will help you develop belief in your ideas. Don’t underestimate it.
When I look at my vision board, I let my body feel the emotion of a deep knowing – that I am ready to receive and I will accomplish everything on my board easily. Dad, of course, taught me at a young age the impact of the visual aspect. I have used this tool all my life.
In 1973 when Dad created the goal of a company that operated worldwide, he built a vision around it and he was the only one. He was the company. He tapped into his imagination and saw something bigger than his current reality.
Did he achieve that goal overnight? Definitely not. But he hung onto that vision. He added to that vision. He took steps forward, and he took steps backward, and he enjoyed the ride.
He knew that goals are for growing. They are for the experiences, achievements, and growth along the way.
What is it that you most want to achieve in 2024?

Begin with a clear intention. Feel yourself there, enjoying the life you desire. Go there in your imagination and hold that image in your mind – your body and the Universe will catch up, matching that speed of vibration you live in.
Believing in yourself and surrounding yourself with others who believe in you will bring the best out of you.
Remember – Your choices will create the life you desire. Not your circumstances.
I cannot remember a time in my life when my father said to me, “I don’t think you should do that,” or “Are you sure that is a good idea?” or “How in the world will you make that happen?”
You see, part of the wonder of being in Bob Proctor’s energy was that anything felt possible. What a great way to live!
When creating your future by design, you are the architect. Tune into your desires, set your intentions, and, most importantly, take control. Be open to receiving the good that you desire.
Change changes us. You decide what that change will be by your commitment to the work it will take.
Just making a mini vision board booklet to keep in my purse. Thanks for continuing your fathers work, he was so inspiring.
Thanks Laura, I love the idea of a mini vision board booklet!!
I am so happy and grateful now that I am on this beautiful journey to an extraordinary life ! I ask for financial freedom to do what my heart desires !
I am so happy and grateful for your book Brian ♥️ just started reading it ! Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks Elaine, Really glad to hear you you are enjoying it.
Thank you Brian for this thought provoking and inspiring message. Living with intention, dreaming and creating the life one desires. I am going to be spending time over the holidays reflecting on your message. I absolutely love creating a vision board. Thank you to you and Cory for your book, My father knew the secret. I will continue to share and read it often. Simply the best!
Thanks Tara, Both Cory and I really appreciate your support.
Thank you for the information😊 I have your new book. I really liked you Dad! I just became a coach in October from Mary Morrissey,
Dreambuilders Institute. So needless to say, I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. But I am looking forward to reading it. I remember watching the ‘Secret’, with your Dad in the movie. Your dad was a very kind sole, he spoke from his heart. I enjoyed listening to him. I could tell he cared about people and he believed in his message to helped people! That is what I want to do. I will tell you a little about myself. I was married for 36 years, to my high school sweetheart. In those years, we didn’t know that my husband had a mental illness. Our first year was good and after that something wasn’t, quite right.
. I knew something had changed but I didn’t know what. As another 5 years went by, we had our daughter.. He seemed not able to keep a job for very long. When my daughter was in 3rd grade, he had a nervous breakdown. So when that happened our life’s were changed upside down. I didn’t know much about mental illness, it took a year to fine out that he was bi-polar! I had always worked, I was a hairdresser. So going though the drama how this illness shook my world to the core. I kept the family together and stayed married. Even when he would verbally abuse and started to become violent. I started to become afraid of him. He would go into rages, his face would totally change and he became someone else. He surely was not the person I thought I had married! I had worked hard all the those years as a hairdresser trying to support our family when he became disabled. I ended up getting hurt from my job of 25 years. All the 36 years of being married we struggled financially and at that time there was no, ‘Obama Care’, so I was trapped I had to stay where I was at. Especially when my daughter was 17 was diagnosed with Ulcerated colitis. I was hurt on my job and I ended up on worker’s comp. For 14 long miserable and lonely years! My body had broken down from one injury to the next. So when my husband was 58 he decided to end his life. The kids were all grown up my then. I was a widow for 6 years, still dealing with my injuries.When I was finally off worker’s comp, by then, I was ready to date. So this is when I to put to the universe what my kind of man I wanted! I had a check list so I had sent it to God! I met my husband though a dating site, we were married a year later! He was my first date! Anyways I had told him , I wanted to be a coach and now I am. So I am happy and grateful that I believe in the vibrations that come from your thoughts become things though the universe, when you are in harmony with the universe. So what you put out to the universe comes back to you! Sometimes out of he blue, liked Mary Morrissey said! I want to helped women to have confidence in there self’s as I wished I had all those years, as do now. So they can lived their best life and be happy as I finally am! 😊💜
Gina that is quite a story! I’m glad to hear that you are healing and life has gotten better for you.
I am so happy and grateful to have found your material on TikTok thru another influencer that was a student of Bob Proctor. I feel fortunate to get these nuggets of information that help heighten my awareness to all the power I hold within and to embrace, practice & enjoy in creating my life. Thank you for sharing… I bet you had a phenomenal childhood. I can look at my own, it was great, had my parents known this information, things would have been so much greater, for them as well. It’s not their fault, it was learned behavior. I am happy to break the cycle. Those subconscious beliefs are strong, it just takes minute by minute awareness. If your aware of yourself every minute, there’s no time to get in trouble, ha! Thank you again Brian.
Thanks Rebecca! I appreciate you letting me know how you found us. Social Media is sure changing how we get out in the world.
What a fantastic lesson Brian. I love this. You are a brilliant teacher and bring clarity to these concepts so beautifully. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I always feel energized when I read your words or hear you speak. I am so proud of what you are doing. You are building your own legacy.
Thank you Jane! You are a gift in this world and I am so thankful I get to know you.
I sometimes can’t understand that this teaching wasn’t a part of my life only two years ago, but now I live your fathers teaching every day listening and going deeper for every step. Thank you Brian for sharing your teaching with the world. May you and your loved ones have a merry and blessed Christmas <3
Thank you Helle, I really appreciate your comment.
Thank you Brian for this 1st newsletter. I love what you explained, I have more clarity about what I have to do in order to reach my goals. I’d like to thank you also to share stories, knowledge and different experiences that you lived with your father. Now I can imagine the beauty of your father’s spirit. I really enjoy reading your book, the chapters that resonates me the not were: forgiveness, the cloud story, chalkboard story, uncle Joe story.
Thank you Frida, Very happy to hear that the book and messages resonate with you. It is important to me to carry on the memory of who my father was and what he taught.
This is an excellent article on how to set goal. I love every word of it. I can feel Bob’s energy in this article. Thank you dear Brian for sharing this with us. Lots of love and hugs to you ❤️❤️
Thank you Shaila, I really appreciate your kind words.
About your article, I believe your Dad would have said in his inimitable way “Is that ever good!”. You’ve certainly helped to deepen my understanding about goals, bringing the future to life and so much more. This is a powerful message worth sharing.Thank you!
Hello Brian!
By the grace of the almighty I found Bob, his mesmerising principles of personal growth, you and the wonderful book written by you on Bob.
I had met Bob through Lewis’s podcast ‘The School of Greatness’ right after his death. That was my sheer inability that I couldn’t understand exactly what he wanted to share with the world back then. After long now I am back on my track again and this time I have chosen him as my mentor. His lectures on Paradigm Shift are so thought provoking and more than enough to change someone’s life and others surrounding the one. You know what? I have already started speaking with him with the conviction that he will answer me and he is, as you have mentioned in your book. Still wondering how and why did I take long to get back to him. Anyway, better late than never.
Thanks to YouTube, all of a sudden you popped up on my device one day in an interview and came to know about the gem written by you. Without wasting a sec I instantly got that added in my ebook reader. Believe me, without paying heed to you I finished the book at one go in one day. Simply unputdownable! You’re a phenomenal writer! Want more Brian!
Following his footsteps now it’s my mission to share his wisdom to people around me in the best possible way. I have already started sharing those in bite sized video messages in the best possible way. Pace is quite slow but I am super happy to see tiny changes in their thought processes. With Bob’s blessings big projects are waiting to get accomplished. I just worship his principle “ If you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hands “.
Now with your association I can feel Bob in person, trust me! Please help us to stay in this loop forever to learn and grow as he said “ Personal growth has no finish line”.
Gratitude 🙏🏻